News list for " 822"

Or 2 wallets belonging to the same whale deposit 1,822,730 RNDRs to Coinbase and expect to lose $1.59 million

According to OnchainLens, or two wallets belonging to the same whale deposited 1,822,730 RNDRs worth $12.54 million to Coinbase. Over the past 11 months, the whale has accumulated $14.13 million worth of these RNDRs and is currently facing a loss of about $1.59 million.

2025-01-25 02:42:52


2025-01-25 02:42:52
A giant whale has accumulated 3,594 ETH at an average price of $2,484 in the past two days, and is currently trading at $275,000

"The Whale Who Leveraged ETH Loss of $8.22 million" has accumulated 3,594 ETH (total value of $9.19 million) in the past two days, with an average long price of $2,484 (current price of $2,560), and has now gained $275,000! He just raised 1,477 ETH from Binance 18 minutes ago and recharged 2.60 million USDT, it seems that the long is not over yet. At present, he has deposited 3594 ETH and lent 6.20 million USDT, with a health of 1.22; if ETH falls to $2091.32, he will face liquidation.

2024-09-21 13:34:43

“曾杠杆做多ETH亏损822万美元的巨鲸”过去两天累计做多了3,594枚ETH(总价值919万美元),平均做多价格2484美元(现价2560美元),目前已浮盈27.5万美元!他18分钟前刚从Binance提出1477枚ETH,又充值了260万枚USDT,看来做多还没结束。 当前他累计存入3594枚ETH并借出620万枚USDT,健康度1.22;若ETH下跌至2091.32美元时将面临清算。

2024-09-21 13:34:43
17,822 ETH transferred from an unknown wallet to Binance, worth approximately $41.28 million

According to Whale Alert, 17,822 ETH was transferred from an unknown wallet to Binance 12 minutes ago, worth about $41.28 million.

2024-09-16 09:17:04

据 Whale Alert 监测,12 分钟前,17822 枚 ETH 从未知钱包转入币安,价值约 4128 万美元。

2024-09-16 09:17:04
DEX on the Ethereum chain traded more than 800 million dollars yesterday, ranking first

According to DeFiLlama data, DEX on the Ethereum chain traded at $838.22 million on August 25, ranking first. In addition, Solana chain DEX yesterday trading volume of $683.53 million, ranked second; BSC chain DEX yesterday trading volume of $542.05 million, ranked third.

2024-08-26 05:37:44

DeFiLlama数据显示,以太坊链上DEX8月25日交易量为8.3822亿美元,排名第一。 此外,Solana链上DEX昨日交易量为6.8353亿美元,排名第二;BSC链上DEX昨日交易量为5.4205亿美元,排名第三。

2024-08-26 05:37:44
CryptoPunk #The buyer of 5822 is suspected to be the collector VOMBATUS, and the transaction price is 1500 ETH.

August 19 news, CryptoPunk sold today#The latest buyer of 5822 is suspected to have been identified in X as KOL collector VOMBATUS, and the seller is Chain CEO Deepak Thapliyal. In addition, VOMBATUS also revealed that the transaction price is 1500 ETH. Previous news, CryptoPunk#5822 was sold today at an undisclosed price and is currently held by addresses starting with 0xc121. CryptoPunk#5822 was one of nine Alien Punk that sold for $23.70 million in 2022, setting a record for the highest PFP s...

2024-08-19 06:38:48
CryptoPunk #The buyer of 5822 is suspected to be the collector VOMBATUS, and the transaction price is 1500 ETH.

August 19 news, CryptoPunk sold today #The latest buyer of 5822 is suspected to have been identified on X as KOL collector VOMBATUS, and the seller is Chain CEO Deepak Thapliyal. In addition, VOMBATUS also revealed that the transaction price was 1500 ETH. Previously, CryptoPunk #5822 was sold today at an undisclosed price and is currently held by addresses starting with 0xc121. CryptoPunk #5822 was one of nine Alien Punk that sold for $23.70 million in 2022, setting a record for the highest PFP ...

2024-08-19 06:38:48
CryptoPunk #5822的买家疑似为收藏家VOMBATUS,成交价1500 ETH

8月19日消息,今日成交的CryptoPunk#5822的最新买家疑似已在X公布身份,为KOL收藏家VOMBATUS,卖家则为Chain首席执行官Deepak Thapliyal。此外VOMBATUS还透露成交价为1500ETH。 此前消息,CryptoPunk#5822今日以未公开价格售出,当前由0xc121开头地址持有。CryptoPunk#5822是9个外星人Punk中的一个,曾在2022年以2370万美元的价格售出,创造了有史以来最高的PFP销售纪录。

2024-08-19 06:38:48
CryptoPunk #5822的买家疑似为收藏家VOMBATUS,成交价1500 ETH

8月19日消息,今日成交的CryptoPunk #5822的最新买家疑似已在X公布身份,为KOL收藏家VOMBATUS,卖家则为Chain首席执行官Deepak Thapliyal。 此外VOMBATUS还透露成交价为1500 ETH。此前消息,CryptoPunk #5822今日以未公开价格售出,当前由0xc121开头地址持有。CryptoPunk #5822是9个外星人Punk中的一个,曾在2022年以2370万美元的价格售出,创造了有史以来最高的PFP销售纪录。

2024-08-19 06:38:48
CryptoPunk 5822 Sold for Undisclosed Price, Once Set Record for Highest PFP Sale at $23.70 million

The official website shows that CryptoPunk 5822 was sold today at an undisclosed price and is currently held by addresses starting with 0xc121.

2024-08-19 03:52:47
CryptoPunk 5822以未公开价格售出,曾以2370万美元创下最高PFP销售纪录

官网显示,CryptoPunk 5822今日以未公开价格售出,当前由0xc121开头地址持有。

2024-08-19 03:52:47
The 5-minute chart of the real-time order flow of palm oil futures shows that the main contract price of palm oil at 21:35 is running above multiple long accumulation belts, and it is now reported at 7822 yuan/ton, an increase of 2.33%. Please click the link to view the price range of the real-time accumulation belt.

The 5-minute chart of the real-time order flow of palm oil futures shows that the main contract price of palm oil at 21:35 is running above multiple long accumulation belts, and it is now reported at 7822 yuan/ton, an increase of 2.33%. Please click the link to view the price range of the real-time accumulation belt.

2024-06-06 13:37:32

7x24 Newsflash

06:50 2025-03-25
Binance首期投票上币距截止剩余2日,BANANAS31、SIREN、Broccoli(CZ's Dog)暂列前三
3月25日消息,据相关页面显示,BANANAS31(Banana ForScale)暂列Binance投票上币榜首,得票占比21.4%。 据此前公告,此次投票将选出两种代币在Binance现货上市,投票截止至2025年03月27日00:59(东八区时间)。其余位于前列的代币为:SIREN得票占比16.7%;Broccoli(CZ'sDog)得票占比12.4%;Mubarak得票占比11.1%;WHY得票占比8.8%。
06:38 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据《金融时报》报道,渣打银行数字资产研究主管GeoffKendrick表示,以太坊正处于中年危机,仍在技术升级中摸索着前进,以提升对更广泛受众的吸引力。在过去三个月中ETH价格下跌了40%,包括特朗普和阿根廷领导人米莱推广的代币都使用Solana区块链。 Kaiko研究分析师Adam McCarthy认为,以太坊对大多数人来说并不有趣,如果将其...
06:17 2025-03-25
06:11 2025-03-25
某投资者购买 3 月底 2200 美元以太坊看跌期权,共计 10000 枚 ETH
06:11 2025-03-25
Arthur Hayes:ETH将先涨至5000美元,随后SOL涨至300美元
06:05 2025-03-25
欧易OKX将上线NAVI Protocol(NAVX)
05:59 2025-03-25
Mt.Gox地址于10分钟前向Kraken充值0.000017 BTC或用于测试
05:55 2025-03-25
05:43 2025-03-25
Mt. Gox热钱包转出893枚BTC,价值逾7736万美元
3月25日消息,链上数据显示,北京时间13:30,Mt. Gox热钱包(1Jbez)向地址1FodPLS4pkAqh8vtyLteDkTtD1yLfb28DB等转出893.417枚BTC,按当前价格约合7736万美元。
05:40 2025-03-25
美联储宣布放缓缩表后,比特币自 83000 美元下方反弹并短暂突破 88000 美元,有分析师认为,市场波动可能很快平息,许多利空因素可能已被市场消化。21st Capital 联合创始人 Sina G.表示,围绕关税和政府支出的市场不确定性可能在未来几周内得到解决,市场焦点可能转向减税、放松监管和降息,这些政策可能吸引更多资本流入比特币和数字资产领域。 N...
05:22 2025-03-25
彭博高级大宗商品策略师Mike McGlone表示,比特币相对于黄金的价格可能已经达到顶峰,现在可能即将迎来一次大重置,他分析指出2024 年比特币与黄金的比率(即多少盎司黄金等于1枚BTC)达到峰值40倍,这意味着一枚比特币的价值是一盎司黄金的40倍。然而McGlone似乎认为这种情况可能无法持续并且2025年很可能会逆转。 总体而言,McG...
05:13 2025-03-25